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Xpress-Rack 1024 is a rackmount DMX interface for ShowXpress™ software. The unit controls 2 DMX universes and unlocks an additional ArtNet universe (3 universes total). Easily store and play back 16 shows without a computer using onboard buttons or included remote. Trigger up to 8 scenes remotely us CHAUVET DJ XPRESS 100 DRIVERS 2020. Usb compatible software. Compatible software light light, windows drivers chauvet, dj equipment flood light. Software computer cables dmx. Dj lighting equipment flood light. Chauvet xpress512 plus pc & mac usb lighting. Dmx interface conversion cord. Soup nazi seinfeld, channels truss clamp safety cable. Order Your Chauvet Xpress 512 Now at AMS!http://bit.ly/AMS_ChauvetXpress512_ytThe Chauvet Xpress 512 Lighting Controller is a DMX-512, USB-powered lighting c CHAUVET DJ is a premier line of entertainment lighting, controllers and accessories for the mobile performer, DJs, clubs, corporate events and more

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The Xpress-512 Plus is USB-powered and connects multiple interfaces for more lighting universes. Small enough to fit in a side backpack pocket, the Chauvet Xpress 512 Plus Lighting Controller is lightweight enough that you'll forget it's even there. Chauvet ShowXpress is a software program that turns almost any computer into a lighting console. Xpress 512 is a self-contained DMX-512 interface for the ShowXpress software. The interface is capable of transmitting one universe of DMX and works on both Windows and Mac OS X platforms. Multiple units can be connected for multiple universes of control. Users can store and playback one show without a computer or unlimited shows with a computer.

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View online Operation & user’s manual for Chauvet XPress-100 Flood Light or simply click Download button to examine the Chauvet XPress-100 guidelines offline on your desktop or laptop computer. Find great deals on eBay for chauvet xpress 512 and chauvet xpress 512 plus. Shop with confidence. Find many great new & used options and get the best deals for Chauvet DJ Xpress-rack 1024 DMX Controller at the best online prices at eBay! Free shipping for many products! Designed for Chauvet's ShowXpress lighting software, the Xpress-512S controls a single DMX universe and unlocks an additional ArtNet universe, offering a total of two universes. The interface is hot-swappable, allowing it to automatically reconnect within seconds. Multiple devices can be connected to control additional universes.

Find many great new & used options and get the best deals for Chauvet DJ Xpress-rack 1024 DMX Controller at the best online prices at eBay! Free shipping for many products! Designed for Chauvet's ShowXpress lighting software, the Xpress-512S controls a single DMX universe and unlocks an additional ArtNet universe, offering a total of two universes. The interface is hot-swappable, allowing it to automatically reconnect within seconds. Multiple devices can be connected to control additional universes. 12/08/2015 Chauvet DJ Xpress-512S $ 299.99 Xpress-512S is a powerful DMX interface that lets you control ShowXpress lighting control software on either Windows® and Mac OS X systems.